Monday, August 20, 2007

Hello World!

Ummm... Hello world?
So you've guessed it - this is my first dip into the blog'o-puddle.
For some time now I've been pondering about a blog, and I guess pondering time is over - so here goes..

Why, oh why another blog?
One of my goals for this blog is as a Professional Development tool.
I've been learning and implementing new ideas throughout my professional life, learning as I go and trying to get myself ahead one step at a time. For the past several years my main learning subject was Agile development in general and Test-Driven Development in particular.

Although I've been able to learn and even incorporate these methodologies in my work, after reading this article by Andy Warren about professional development I realized something was missing - a greater plan, a defined goal. So under the influence it all came together in a flash of white light - "A blog! I need a blog! I MUST have a blog!!!". Yes, it seems like posting my rants and ideas on a blog might not only make a good outlet for my sleepless idea-infested mind, but might even commit me into molding my learning path into something more useful, if not to myself then at least to others (or was that the other way around?)

If you're reading this, you're too close
...Or maybe I'm too naive. Either way it'll be interesting to see what feedback I get from this blog apart from my own..

Agile Shmagile
Yes, I know it's probably the most over-hyped subject these days, nevertheless Agile and Test Driven Development will probably be the main subject-matter for this blog simply because.. umm.. well because I say so :-)

Enough is enough
So enough ranting for now, let's get this iteration wrapped up.
Hit F5, "Hello World" tests all green, release time!

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